Out & About

| 20 Jul 2015 | 11:24

    Fri 24

    New York Through the Decades: Boiler Room A classroom in 92Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd St

    10 a.m. From $30

    The 10-week film series that screens a representative movie for each decade, starting with the 1920s and ending in 2010 is coming to an end. This week, they are screening a movie from the 2000s about making money and crime


    Get Pop-Cultured: Fangirl Friday Barnes & Noble, 150 East 86th St.

    7 p.m. Free

    If you’re a fangirl, attend this event to get together with other fangirls and celebrate your fandom! You’ll get the chance to interact with the Women of Marvel, enjoy giveaways and much more.

    212-369-2180, store-locator.barnesandnoble.com/event/4863013-0

    Sat 25

    Music: New York Opera Forum 96th Street Library, 112 East 96th St.

    2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Free

    This musical program gives classically trained singers the opportunity to learn and perform a selection of standard opera in their original languages. Join them for a complete performance of Maria Stuarda.

    212-289-0908, www.nypl.org

    Le Roc USA PartyButtenwieser Hall, Lexington Avenue at 92nd St

    8 p.m.-9 p.m. From $17

    A dance known as the ‘Modern Jive’ that originated in France is now in NYC. It is a smooth and stylish dance that is easy to learn and very social. You can take it anywhere and dance it to the latest music, so come along and impress your friends!


    Sun 26

    Dog Days of Summer: A Tour for Guide Dogs and Their HumansMuseum Plaza, 1000 Fifth Avenue

    1 p.m.-2 p.m. Free with museum admission, though reservations are required

    Visually impaired humans are invited with their guide dogs to discover dogs at work and play in paintings and sculptures. This even is part of a month-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    212-650-2010, www.metmuseum.org

    Film Screening – “Do You Dream in Color?” (2014) Bonnie J. Sacerdote Lecture Hall, Uris Center for Education, 1000 Fifth Ave.

    3 p.m.-5 p.m. Free with museum admission

    Get inspired by watching extraordinary stories that shine a light on the obstacles faced by people who are blind and what it takes for them to overcome those barriers and achieve their goals.


    Mon 27

    Quiet Study Room 67th Street Library, 32 East 67th St.

    10 a.m. Free

    For adults, senior citizens, book lovers and even businesspeople, if you are interested in having a completely quiet space with no talking, no cellphones and no noise at all to focus on some work, then the quiet study room is the place to be.

    212-734-1717, www.nypl.org

    The End of the Tour: A Conversation with Jason Segel Kaufmann Concert Hall, Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street

    8:00 p.m. From $32

    Hear from actor Jason Segel portrayed one of the defining writers of the generation in the film The End of the Tour, based on Rolling Stone journalist David Lipsky’s bestseller Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself.


    Tue 28

    BirthFIAF, Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th St.

    4 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Free for members, $13 for non-members

    Watch the screening of the infamous supernatural and exciting thriller film Birth by Jonathon Glazer that will have you on the edge of your seats!


    Reading Aloud Webster Library, 1465 York Ave.

    4 p.m. Free

    In order to ensure your children know the importance of reading, bring them to this event, where a librarian will share books and stories with them.

    212-288-5049, www.nypl.org

    Wed 29 On And Off Screen: The Cinematic Surround of Philippe Parreno

    Wade Thompson Drill Hall at Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Ave.

    6:30 p.m. Free for members, $15 for non-members

    French artist Philippe Parreno is joined by Whitney curator Chrissie Iles to discuss how he uses film, cinematic references, fantasy and experiences in his practice, as seen in his exhibition.

    212-933-5812, www.armorypark.org

    Jazz & Sondheim, Side by Side Kaufmann Concert Hall, Lexington Avenue at 92nd St

    8 p.m. From $52

    Theater and jazz fans, here’s a night for you! Join one of the city’s greatest summer traditions and watch the most groundbreaking jazz masterpieces.


    Thu 30

    Small Business Committee Meeting

    Lenox Hill Hospital, 130 East 77th St

    6:30 p.m. Free

    In this meeting, council members from Community Board 8 will discuss the Intro 799-2015 bill, which would potentially exempt commercial tenants from paying less than $500,000 per year in rent from the commercial rent tax.

    212-758-4340, www.cb8m.com

    Rhythm and Sound

    Yorkville Library, 222 East 79th St.

    2 p.m. Free

    For children ages 4 or older, this is an interactive workshop where a percussionist will bring audience members to the stage to play percussive instruments from around the world.

    212-744-5824, www.nypl.org