Out & About
Thu 21
William Bolcom: A CelebrationNeue Galerie, 1048 Fifth Ave.
7 p.m. From $110
A group of young devotees celebrate William Bloom’s, famed pianist, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, and acclaimed professor at the University of Michigan body of work.
212-628-6200, www.neuegalerie.org
Resume & Cover Letter WorkshopHunter College, North Building, room 1001C
1-2 p.m. RSVP
Learn how to write your resume, expand work history, and more with Hunter College counselors.
212-772-4850, www.hunter.cuny.edu/calendar/#/?i=1
Fri 22
White Glove Seders Mike’s Bistro, 127 East 54th St.
Chabad at Beekman-Sutton hosts at First and Second Seder on April 22 and April 23. RSVP online at www.ChabadSutton.org.
212-758-3770, info@ChabadSutton.org.
Tai Chi for All67th Street Library, 328 East 67th St.
3 p.m. Free
Join in celebrating Immigrant Heritage Week with Tai Chi, a system of exercises practiced at a meditative pace.
212-734-1717, www.nypl.org/events/programs/2016/04/22/tai-chi-all
Sat 23
Art TrekMetropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Ave., Carson Family Hall
11 a.m.-noon. Free with museum admission
Travel through time and around the world and discover favorite works of art on an adventure. For families with children ages 7-11.
212-535-7710, www.metmuseum.org/events/
Free SaturdaysJewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave. at 92nd Street.
11 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. Free
Sun 24
Open Studio for FamiliesGuggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave.
1-4 p.m. Free
Drop in art-making program in Studio Art Lab. Children ages 5 and up
Overlook Concerts in Riverside ParkRiverside Park and 116th St, lower level.
2 p.m. Free.
The French Cookin’ Blues Band will play the blues from Mississippi to Chicago to Texas and Louisiana. They have been inducted into the hall of fame and frequently appear in star venues in New York.
212-870-3070, riversideparknyc.org/events/
Mon 25
‘The Day When God Made Church’The Corner Bookstore, 1313 Madison Ave., at 93rd St.
6-7 p.m. Free
Join Rebekah McLeod Hutto, associate minister at The Brick Church, to launch her book, which celebrates miraculous events that occurred on Pentecost
212-831-3554, cornerbookstorenyc.com/
Speaking of ScienceRoom 514 at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th St.
6:30 p.m. $10; members, $5
Joel Kirman, chemical process engineer and member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers gives a talk on the future and past of wind energy. He explains the history of windmills and their role in renewable energy today.
212-874-5210, www.nysec.org.
Tues 26
MahJongg Supervised Play92nd Street Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd St.
6:30 p.m. From $32
Play and learn how to play to win, pick hands, and gain confidence with supervisor Julie Azous
212-415-5500, www.92y.org/Event/Mah-Jongg-Supervised-Play
cine salon: ‘Girlhood’FIAF, Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th St.
4 & 7:30 p.m. $14; students, $7; Members, $3 in advance and free day of the show.
Céline Sciamma’s 2014 feature about a young woman, Marieme (Karidja Touré), growing up in Paris’s banlieues who is responsible for her younger sister and all-but ignored by both her mother and teachers.
Wed 27
DAZE WORLD Book PartyMuseum of City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave.
6:30 p.m. Members, free; adults, $16; Seniors and students: $12.
The launch of artist Christopher Daze Ellis, new book, ‘DAZEWORLD,’ which documents the story of his 30-year career.
212-534-1672, www.mcny.org/event/daze-book-party
Henry Clay Frick and His Collection1 East 70th St.
1-1:10 p.m. Free w/ admission
10-minute talks meet in Garden Court.