Out & About

| 11 Apr 2016 | 01:43

    Thu 14

    New Approaches on the study of Race in Puerto RicoCUNY Grad Center, 365 Fifth Ave., room C-197

    6-8 p.m. Free

    A panel bringing together important scholars of the study of race and racism in Puerto Rico

    212-396-6545. www.centropr.hunter.cuny.edu

    Cabaret — Rachelle GarniezNeue Galerie, 1048 Fifth Avenue

    7 p.m. from $110

    Multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and vocalist Rachelle Garniez performs in a romantic, rhapsodic and casually hilarious style. Tickets include dinner.

    212-628-6200. neuegalerie.org

    Fri 15

    A Symposium on the History of Art 1 East 78th St., (at Fifth Avenue)

    2:30-6 p.m. (Reservations required)

    All graduate students in this history of art, faculty members, and museum staff are invited to attend. Part 2 of this event takes place April 16th.


    The Supermodel Era 1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd St.

    2-3 p.m. Free w/ museum admission

    This talk focuses on the Supermodel era of the early nineties, and is led by Chris Gartrell.

    212-423-3200. thejewishmuseum.org/

    Sat 16

    Start with Art at The Met The Met Fifth Avenue, 1000 Fifth Avenue

    2-3 p.m. Free w/ museum admission

    Share ideas and enjoy stories, sketching, and other activities that brings art to life. For families with children 3-6.

    212-535-7710. www.metmuseum.org

    Volunteer Gardening 86th Street Mall at East End Avenue

    9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

    Join neighbors and pitch in as a CSPC gardener.


    Sun 17

    Passover Family Day 1220 Fifth Ave.

    11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free w/ museum admission

    Family day full of storytelling, traditions, scavenger hunt, and songs in honor of passover.

    212-534-1672. www.mcny.org/event/passover-family-day

    Freedom Art Jam Scheur Auditorium, 1109 Fifth Avenue at 92nd St.

    12-4 p.m. Free w/ museum admission

    Passover extravaganza with art, music, and dancing!

    212-423-3200. thejewishmuseum.org

    Mon 18

    New York Therapy Dogs R.E.A.D67th Street Library, 328 East 67th St.

    3:30 p.m. Free

    Enjoy reading to a therapy dog. Ages 5-12. Pre-registration required for every 20 minute slot.

    212-734-1717. www.nypl.org/events/programs/2016/04/04/new-york-therapy-dogs-read

    Wine Tour de France FIAF Le Skyroom, 22 East 60th St

    7 p.m. $115; Members, $95

    Tasting will feature six wines paired with a selection of cheeses, charcuterie and bread

    800-982-2787. fiaf.org/events/winter2016/2016-04-18-grapes.shtml

    Tue 19

    The Shirley Temple Blue DiamondSotheby’s, York Avenue and 72nd Street

    Reception, 5:30 p.m.; auction, 6:30. rsvp@sothebys.com

    A special reception and evening auction of magnificent jewels, including of Shirley Temple’s 9.54-carat fancy deep blue diamond ring, which belonged to her throughout her life.

    212-606-7000. www.sothebys.com/en.html

    Stroller Tour 1071 Fifth Ave.

    3-4 p.m. $25 (includes museum admission), free for Family and Kids Club members, registration required

    Stroll around ramps with your baby as museum educators lead an engaging one-hour tour. Registration is required.

    212-423-3575. www.guggenheim.org/

    Wed 20

    Upper East Side Fiction Reading Group Barnes & Noble, 86th & Lexington, 150 East 86th St.

    7 p.m. Free

    This month’s title is “Vanessa and Her Sister” by Priya Parmar.


    Preschool Program 96th Street Library, 112 East 96th St.

    10:30 a.m. Free

    Stories and films for preschoolers
