Out & About
Thu 28
‘Diane Arbus: In the Beginning’The Met Breuer, 945 Madison Ave.
12:30-1:30 p.m. Free with museum admission
Visitors will receive a tour of this exhibition, which explores the early photographs of one of the most influential and provocative artists of the 20th century.
212-535-7710. metmuseum.org
Comic Strip Live Show Comic Strip Live, 1568 Second Ave
8 p.m. $15
Host Mike Britt will welcome Elon Gold, Pete Lee, Jason Salmon, JJ Ramirez and Lenny Marcus to perform stand-up comedy.
212-861-9386. Comicstriplive.com
Fri 29
Deep Water Running-Single Session92nd St. Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd St.
7:30 p.m. $35
No swimming skills are necessary in this class that simulates land running without impact. Using running-like arm and leg movements, the water provides another layer of challenge to the workout.
212-415-5500. 92y.org
Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden, 421 East 61st Street (between First and York Avenues).
2–3:30 p.m. Free with admission. Free to Members.
This year’s scholars present original research on America in the 1830s. Topics include “Literary Popularity in the Era of Jackson” and “Hamilton, Fuller and
The Grahams – Women Groundbreakers in the Early 19th Century.”
Sat 30
Small Details in Greek VasesThe Met Fifth Avenue, 1000 Fifth Ave.
11 a.m.–Noon. Free with museum admission
Emmanuel von Schack, art historian and lecturer, will lead a discussion on why the decorative minutiae on ancient Greek vases, while small in size, are actually important components.
212-535-7710. metmuseum.org
Harry Potter pre-release party Shakespeare & Co, 939 Lexington Ave., at 69th Street
8 p.m.-midnight
Scavenger hunt, readings by actors impersonating the characters and a costume contest.
212-772-3400. events@shakeandco.com
Sun 31
Harlem Meer Performance Festival: Joaquin PozoCharles A. Dana Discovery Center, inside the Park at 110th Street, between Lenox and Fifth Avenues
2 p.m. Free
Pozo leads a tight ensemble, which melds the traditional sounds of Cuba — rumba and son — with the more modern jazz,
Sunday SketchThe Frick Collection, 1 East 70th St.
1-3 p.m. Free with museum admission
In the Frick’s Garden Court, there will be an afternoon of informal sketching. Visitors of all skill levels are welcome, and materials are provided.
212-288-0700. frick.org
Mon 1
Garbage/Kristin KontrolRumsey Playfield, 14 East 71st St.
6-10 p.m. $60
A 90’s rock group and an electronic fusion singer will appear in concert as a part of Central Park’s Summer Stage performance series.
Children’s Story TimeLogos Bookstore, 1575 York Ave.
11 a.m. Free
Logos will host their weekly reading of children’s books and musical entertainment, provided by Lily.
212-517-7292. logosbookstorenyc.com
Tue 2
NY Dark Side: The Young Savages92nd St. Y, Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street
2 p.m. $30
Viewers can enter the dark side of New York in the 1960s through discussions and screenings of these films.
212-415-5500. 92y.org
Exhibition Tour - Unfinished: Thoughts Left VisibleThe Met Breuer, 945 Madison Ave.
12:30-1:30 p.m. Free with museum admission
Visitors will receive a tour of this exhibition, which examines the question of when a work of art is finished by looking closely at works from The Met’s rich collection.
212-535-7710. metmuseum.org
Wed 3
Cast members from ‘She Loves Me’Barnes & Noble, 150 East 86th St.
7 p.m. Free
The cast members of 2016 Broadway musical She Loves Me will appear at Barnes & Noble after the release of the show’s soundtrack.
212-369-2180. stores.barnesandnoble.com
‘Stoner’Shakespeare & Co, 939 Lexington Ave., at 69th Street
6:30-8 p.m.
The Shakespeare & CoBook Club featuring N.Y Review Books will read and discuss John Williams’ 1965 novel.
212-772-3400. events@shakeandco.com