CABARET algonquin hotel 59 W. 44th St. (between 5th & ...

| 16 Feb 2015 | 04:39

    59 W. 44th St. (between 5th & 6th Aves.), 212-840-6800. WEDS & THURS: Julie Budd in "If You Could See Me Now," 9, $40 & $15 min. FRI & SAT: Julie Budd in "If You Could See Me Now," 9 & 11:30, $40 w/dinner. TUES: Loston Harris Trio, 9, $40 & $15 min.



    156 W. 56th St. (betw. 6th & 7th Aves.), 212-957-9676. FRI & SAT: Cary Hoffman sings Sinatra classics from the 50s, 9:30 & 11, $20 & $15 min.



    1118 1st Ave. (betw. 61st & 62nd St.), 593-1650. Fri. shows at 9 & 11:15, $15; Sat. shows at 8, 10:30 & 12:30, $15; Sun.-Thurs. shows at 8:45, $12.50. MON & TUES: Howard Feller, Most Brothers, Carrie Karavas, Nancy Redman, Al Ducharme, Jerry Diner.



    343 W. 46th St. (betw. 8th & 9th Aves.), 212-757-0788 or 2 rooms; 2 drink min. WEDS: Talent Showcase: An Evening in the Spotlight, 7. THURS: Lois Vitiello, 8 & 10; Kit Williams, 8; Seth Rudetsky Is Broadway Chatterbox, 6. FRI: "Legendary Ladies" feat. female celebrity impersonations, 9; The Next Big Broadway Musical: Musical Improvisational Comedy, 8:30; Rita Harvey, 7. SAT: Steven Brinberg as Barbra Streisand, 11; "Poole Party!" w/Ron Poole, 8:30; Tommy Femia as Judy Garland, 8; Marianne Challis, 6. SUN: Rita Harvey, 7; Sheila Floer, 4. MON: Sue Matsuki, 9; Keith Crescente, 9; Andrew Triana, 7; Victoria Bundonis, 7. TUES: Marianne Challis, 9; Mikki Milone, 9; Courtenay Day in "Something Cool," 7.



    Time Cafe, 380 Lafayette St. (Great Jones), 212-533-2680 or See also "Rock 'n' Roll." SUN: Kiki & Herb: Playing for Time, 6:30, $15. TUES: Julie Wilson in "Village Cabaret" Benefit for Senior Citizens, 8, $75.


    the firebird cafe

    365 W. 46th St. (betw. 8th & 9th Aves.), 212-586-0244. WEDS: Chris Coleman, 11, $20 & $15 min.; K.T. Sullivan, 9, $30 & $15 min. THURS: Dezur Kenna, 11, $20 & $15 min.; K.T. Sullivan, 9, $30 & $15 min. FRI: K.T. Sullivan, 11, $30 & $15 min.; K.T. Sullivan, 9, $30 & $15 min.



    169 8th Ave. (betw. 19th & 20th Sts.), 212-929-5410. $10 min. THURS: Audrey Lavine in "this Is No Dream," 8:30. SUN: Sandra DeLeo, 3. MON: "Leer Mondays" w/Lounge-O-Leers (Ricky Ritzel & Aaron Morishita), 10. TUES: Randy Sandke Jazz Trio, 7:30.