toasting this year's otty winners Awards
| 14 Mar 2016 | 05:08

Welcoming remarks by John S. Winkleman, a Mt. Sinai trustee. Photos by George Cade

Emcee Roma Torre, left, honoree Betty Cooper Wallerstein, middle, and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, right

NY1's Roma Torre, who was the evening's emcee

Councilmember Ben Kallos and honoree Mallory Spain

From left, Public Advocate Letitia James, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, and Straus News President Jeanne Straus

Honoree Gustavo Goncalves
Our Town last week celebrated this year's crop of OTTY winners at a party and awards ceremony at Mt. Sinai on the Upper East Side.
The awards, short for Our Town Thanks You, recognize individuals who have made unusual contributions to the neighborhood.
Honorees included Cardinal Timothy Dolan, 79th Street Neighborhood Association President Betty Cooper Wallerstein, Logos bookstore owner Harris Healy, and others.
The event was hosted by Straus News President Jeanne Straus and Editor-in-Chief Kyle Pope, who, in addition to the honorees, also welcomed Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, State Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright, New York City Public Advocate Letitia James, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and City Councilmember Ben Kallos.