PERFORMANCE ART BREAD & PUPPET THEATER Vermont’s favorite puppet show ...

| 16 Feb 2015 | 04:51

    Vermont's favorite puppet show makes a rare appearance with a double bill; Theater for the New City, 155 1st Ave. (betw. 9th & 10th Sts.), 254-1109; Weds.-Sun. at 8, mats. Sat. & Sun. at 3, $10, $5 child.



    Ann Carlson's journey through real time & memory using movement, voice & conversation; P.S. 122, 150 1st Ave. (9th St.), 477-5288; Thurs.-Sun. at 7:30, $12 [though 2/20]



    British percussion performance troupe; Orpheum Theater, 126 2nd Ave. (betw. 7th & 8th Sts.), 477-2477; Weds.-Fri. & Tues. at 8, Sat. at 7 & 10:30, Sun. at 7, mat. Sun. at 3, $24.50-$49.50.