De Colores Means All of Us Book review & discussion on essay that explores racism on college campuses, preceded by dinner/social at 7; Radical Women, 32 Union Sq. E., rm.907 (16th St.), 677-7002; 7:30, free, $6 (dinner).
ERIC FONER Author discusses The Story of American Freedom at NY Historical Society, 2 W. 77th St. (Central Pk. W.), 873-3400; 6:30, free w/mus. adm.
ELLEN MILLER Author reads from story about two LES women, Like Being Killed at Bluestockings, 172 Allen St. (betw. Stanton & Rivington Sts.), 777-6028; 7, free.
ELWOOD REID Author reads from collection of shorts, "What Salmon Know" at Rocky Sullivan's, 129 Lexington Ave. (betw. 28th & 29th Sts.), 725-3871; 8, free.
ANTONIO SABATO JR. Exercise buff signs copies of No Excuses at Rizzoli, 454 W. B'way (betw. Prince & Houston Sts.), 674-1616; 5:30, free.
BARRY WHITE The man who has helped many of us "have a good time," signs copies of Love Unlimited; Midtown Barnes & Noble, 600 5th Ave. (48th St.), 957-2890; 12:30, free.
WILD WEDNESDAYS Featured poet is Jeanne Dickey, followed by open mic; New World Coffee, 107-24 Continental Ave. (Queens Blvd.), 718-271-2696; 7-10, $3 min.
Thursday 10/21
TED ALLEN, SCOTT OMELIANUK Esquire magazine editors offer style tips from Things a Man Should Know About Style; Lincoln Triangle Barnes & Noble, 1972 B'way (66th St.), 595-6859; 7, free.
LOUISE DESALVO Author offers tips on fidelity & marriage from Adultery; Upper West Side Barnes & Noble, 2289 B'way (82nd St.), 362-8835; 7:30, free.
ROZANNE GOLD Book signing for cookbook, Entertaining 1-2-3; Barnes & Noble, 240 E. 86th St. (betw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.), 794-1962; 7:30, free.
YUSEF KOMUNYAKAA, SHARON OLDS Authors read from works at NYU's Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Sq. S. (betw. 6th Ave. & MacDougal St.), 998-8816; 7, free.
STAR WARS: THE NEW JEDI ORDER R.A. Salvatore signs copies & discusses book at Borders, 5 World Trade Center, Church St. (Vesey St.), 839-8049; 6, free.
YAKITY YAK Monthly poetry readings with open mic, tonight's readers are David Huberman, Rosette Capotorto & Mondy Matijasevic; 153 W. 21st St. (betw. 6th & 7th Aves.), 989-5950; 8, $5.
Friday 10/22
THE BUST GUIDE TO THE NEW GIRL ORDER Writer's Voice feat. Bust zine contributors, Marcelle Karp & Deb Stroller; West Side Y, 5 W. 63rd St. (Central Pk. W.), 875-4128; 7:30, $5.
CENETERFOLD COFFEE HOUSE OPEN READING Open mic for poets & prose writers, hosted by David Leopold; 263 W. 86th St. (B'way), 946-4356; 5:45, $2.
LUCILEE CLIFTON, GALWAY KINNELL Readings by contemporary poets; Dia Center for the Arts, 548 W. 22nd St. (betw. 10th & 11th Aves.), 989-5566; 7, $6.
FRIDAY NIGHT POETRY SERIES AT THE ALTERKNIT Featured reader is Juba Dowdell, followed by open mic; Knitting Factory, Alterknit Theater, 74 Leonard St. (betw. B'way & Church St.), 219-3055; 7, $5.
JONATHAN LETHEM Join author as he reads from Motherless Brooklyn at Park Slope Barnes & Noble, 267 7th Ave. (6th St.), 718-832-9066; 7:30, free.
Saturday 10/23
THE GLAM SLAM Troupe of poets known as the House of Xavier (feat. Emanuel Xavier) return to Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 236 E. 3rd St. (betw. Aves. B & C), 807-1337; 10, $12.
THE GREAT LITTLE PUMPKIN BOOK Michael Krondel signs copies of newest work at Union Sq. Greenmarket., B'way (betw. 14th & 17th Sts.), 477-3220; 10-12, free.
Sunday 10/24
CELIA GILBERT, MARNIE MUELLER Authors read from An Ark of Sorts & The Climate of the Country at Posman Books, 1 University Pl. (Waverly Pl.), 533-BOOK; 3, free.
KGB SUNDAY NIGHT READING SERIES Dani Shapiro & Mark Slouka read from Slow Motion & collection of shorts, "Lost Lake" at 85 E. 4th St. (betw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.), 505-3360; 7, free.
JAMES NACHTWEY Join photojournalist & author of Inferno for discussion at Union Sq. Barnes & Noble, 33 E. 17th St. (betw. B'way & Park Ave. S.), 253-0810; 3, free.
OUR UNORGANIZED READING (O.U.R.) Vipin, Bob Hart, J.D. Rage & Bruce Weber host spoken word night every Sunday, no time limit, no list, no features, no b.s.; ABC No Rio, 156 Rivington St. (betw. Suffolk & Clinton Sts.), 674-3585; 3, $2.
PAISLEY GIRL Fran Gordon reads from book about paisley patterned disease at Temple Bar, 332 Lafayette St. (Bleecker St.), 925-4242; 7:30, free.
POETS' PLAYGROUND Poetry readings & open mic with Juba Dowdell; Common Basis Theater, 750 8th Ave., 5th Fl. (betw. 46th & 47th Sts.), 340-1112; 12, $5.
SILVER SWAN SUNDAYS "Wild Wednesdays Wonders" with Viviana Grell & open mic; Silver Swan Restaurant, 41 E. 20th St. (B'way), 254-3611; 1-3:30, free.
ZINC BAR Weekly readings. Tonight, Mary Gordon, Amy Holman & Eric Wright read; 90 W. Houston St. (LaGuardia Pl.), 533-9317; 6:30, $3 contrib.
Monday 10/25
PAUL BURRELL Former butler to Diana, Princess of Wales discusses The Royal Manner at Barnes & Noble, 240 E. 86th St. (betw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.), 794-1962; 7:30, free.
PEGGY GILLESPIE, GIGI KAESER Editor & photographer of Love Makes a Family discuss gay & lesbian love; Upper West Side Barnes & Noble, 2289 B'way (82nd St.), 362-8835; 7:30, free.
A LITTLE BIT LOUDER Guy LeCharles Gonzalez hosts weekly reading & open mic. Tonight's feat. reader is Al Letson; 13 Bar, 13 E. 13th St. (Betw. B'way & University Pl.), 917-893-8341; 7, $5, $3 st.
Tuesday 10/26
INGRID DUCMANIS, SUZANNE MCCABE, J.M. OSTERMAN "Getting It Down" reading by three NY writers; Cornelia St. Cafe, 29 Cornelia St. (betw. W. 4th & Bleecker Sts.), 989-9319; 7, $5 incl. 1 drink.
HALLOWEEN "POE"TRY PARTY Ray Collins reads Edgar Allen Poe's The Masque of the Red Death to benefit the Co. of Impossible Dreams; Nevada Smiths, 74 3rd Ave. (betw. 11th & 12th Sts.), 917-921-1455; 6-10, $10.
HARRY ELLISON'S POETS CIRCLE Weekly lecture on the art & craft of poetry followed by readings & discussions of participants' works. This week, "Confessional Poetry;" Corrado Bakery Cafe, 120 E. 15th St. (Irving Pl.), 718-651-1664; 6:30, $7.
THE RUSSIAN SAMOVAR READING SERIES Edward Hirsch & Brenda Shaughnessy read a selection of their favorite Russian work & their own works; the Russian Samovar, 256 W. 52nd St. (betw. B'way & 8th Ave.), 757-0168; 7, $3.
SAPPHIRE Reads from collection of poems, Black Wings & Blind Angels at Park Slope Barnes & Noble, 267 7th Ave. (6th St.), 718-832-9066; 7:30, free.
WE GOT THE BEAT Weekly open mike for poets & musicians, featured poet is Sherrie Lynne; Village Community School, 272 W. 10th St., (betw. Greenwich & Washington Sts.), 946-4356; 7, $2.
WOMEN'S POETRY JAM Featured readers are Rita Montana & Cheryl Boyce Taylor, followed by open mic; Bluestockings, 172 Allen St. (betw. Stanton & Rivington Sts.), 777-6028; 7, $2.