How to Combat Homesickness as Your Kids Pack off to Camp
Studies show that the vast majority of kids will feel some degree of homesickness at some point as they head off to sleep away camp. Don’t worry, it’s normal. Here’s some advice on how best to deal with it.

What is homesickness?
Homesickness is, above all, a normal feeling. It is the natural result of separating from home and loved ones. In a recent study, nearly 96 percent of all boys and girls who were spending two weeks or more at overnight camp reported some homesickness on at least one day. Almost all children (and grown-ups!) feel homesick when they’re away from home. People’s feelings simply vary in intensity.
What causes it?
There are several factors that put children at greater risk for becoming homesick. For example, children with little previous experience away from home, children who have low expectations of camp, children who feel forced to go to camp, children who are unsure whether adults will help them if they need help, children who have little practice coping with negative emotions, and children whose parents express a lot of anxiety are most likely to feel homesick.
You may be surprised to learn that some factors have nothing to do with the intensity of homesickness. These include geographic distance between home and camp and the presence of a friend from home at camp.
Most feelings of homesickness are not problematic. In fact, missing home isn’t a problem until it becomes a preoccupation. When the feelings of sadness and anxiety associated with missing home become so strong that making friends, having fun, sleeping, eating, and participating in activities is difficult, something must be done.
What can be done?
It used to be thought that feelings of missing home disappeared spontaneously after a few days at camp. Although this is true for some cases of mild homesickness, research has demonstrated that if left unchecked, homesickness can intensify over time. The best remedy is a two-pronged approach:
(1) Prevent homesickness at home, before it starts; and (2) Actively cope at camp, if natural feelings of homesickness reach problematic levels.
The best at-home prevention strategies include:
• working together as a family to select a camp, plan, and pack
• spending practice time away from home, such as a long weekend at a friend’s house
• experimenting with the best coping strategies during this practice separation
• preparing pre-stamped, pre-addressed envelopes to bring to camp
The best in-camp interventions for homesick campers include:
• staying busy
• talking with someone
• remembering that you’re not at camp for your whole life-just a few weeks
• writing letters home
• remembering all the fun activities that camp offers and doing them!
Watch out!
The most common mistake parents make is the “pick-up deal.” It’s normal for children to ask, “What if I feel homesick?” Tell your child that some feelings of homesickness are normal and help him practice coping before camp starts. But never ever say, “If you feel homesick, I’ll come and get you.” This conveys a message of doubt and pity that undermines children’s confidence and independence. Pick-up deals become mental crutches and self-fulfilling prophecies for children as soon as they arrive at camp. If, after spending practice time away from home, a child is still very anxious about overnight camp, consider waiting until next summer.
The good news
When children arrive at camp with a repertoire of coping strategies and some practice time away from home under their belts, they are ready for those normal feelings of homesickness. Sure, they’ll miss home, but they’ll know exactly what to think and do when it bothers them. Best of all, the staff at a high quality camp will be there to help. Nothing boosts children’s self-esteem quite like overcoming a bout of homesickness and learning how good they are at controlling the amount of fun they have. Camp truly is a classroom for life lessons.
The American Camp Association® (ACA) is a national organization serving the more than 20,000 year-round and summer camps in the US who annually serve 26 million campers. ACA is committed to collaborating with those who believe in quality camp and outdoor experiences for children, youth, and adults. For more information, visit or call 800-428-2267.